The following are some interesting facts on Jade taken from a site on the net. Jadeite (JADE) The name jade is derived from the Spanish 'piedra de ijada', loin-stone, jade having been recognised by the Amerindians as a remedy for kidney ailments. Jade is found in metamorphic rocks and is alluvial pebbles and boulders. In prehistoric times, however, it was esteemed rather more for its toughness, which made it an ideal material for weapons and tools. For centuries, jade was thought to be a single gemstone, but in 1863 two types were recognized: jadeite and nephrite. Both are tough, fine-grained rocks, suitable for carving. Yet as early as 3000 B.C. jadite was known in China as 'yu', the 'royal gem'. Nephrite jade has been carved by Chinese for over 2000 years, although the raw material was first imported from Turkestan and Central Asia. Jadeite is found in metamorphic rocks. The main source of Jade is Burma and it has supplied China with Translucent imperial Jade for over 200 years. Other countries where Jade is found are Guatemala, USA and Japan. Jadeite occurs in a wide variety of colors including green, pink, white, liliac, red, blue, black, and orange. The most prized variety, imperial jade, is a rich emerald green, due to chromium. Jadeite commonly has a dimpled surface when polished. In general, the value of jade is determined according to its colour and the intensity of that colour, the vivacity and texture, and its clarity and transparency. Some develop a brown skin due to weathering and is often incorporated into carvings and worked pieces. The most important source of jade is Burma. Symbolic energy and beauty, the traditional and the modern are combined in jade in a particularly harmonious way. And in gemstone therapy it is said that jade 'stimulates creativity and mental agility on the one hand, while also having a balancing and harmonising effect.' So this beautiful gemstone brings us joy, vivacity and happiness all at the same time. Nephrite on the other hand is more common. It occurs as aggregates of fibrous crystals which makes it ideal for carving weapons and ornaments. Nephrite occurs in shades of dark blackish iron rich green and cream magnesium rich shade. It is mostly found in Burma, China, Russia, New Zealand and Australia.
Jade Necklaces and pendants at lowest prices. Quality Jade Jewelry in gold and silver setting. Chinese jade and Burmese jade at bargain prices.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Jadeite, Jade
The following are some interesting facts on Jade taken from a site on the net. Jadeite (JADE) The name jade is derived from the Spanish 'piedra de ijada', loin-stone, jade having been recognised by the Amerindians as a remedy for kidney ailments. Jade is found in metamorphic rocks and is alluvial pebbles and boulders. In prehistoric times, however, it was esteemed rather more for its toughness, which made it an ideal material for weapons and tools. For centuries, jade was thought to be a single gemstone, but in 1863 two types were recognized: jadeite and nephrite. Both are tough, fine-grained rocks, suitable for carving. Yet as early as 3000 B.C. jadite was known in China as 'yu', the 'royal gem'. Nephrite jade has been carved by Chinese for over 2000 years, although the raw material was first imported from Turkestan and Central Asia. Jadeite is found in metamorphic rocks. The main source of Jade is Burma and it has supplied China with Translucent imperial Jade for over 200 years. Other countries where Jade is found are Guatemala, USA and Japan. Jadeite occurs in a wide variety of colors including green, pink, white, liliac, red, blue, black, and orange. The most prized variety, imperial jade, is a rich emerald green, due to chromium. Jadeite commonly has a dimpled surface when polished. In general, the value of jade is determined according to its colour and the intensity of that colour, the vivacity and texture, and its clarity and transparency. Some develop a brown skin due to weathering and is often incorporated into carvings and worked pieces. The most important source of jade is Burma. Symbolic energy and beauty, the traditional and the modern are combined in jade in a particularly harmonious way. And in gemstone therapy it is said that jade 'stimulates creativity and mental agility on the one hand, while also having a balancing and harmonising effect.' So this beautiful gemstone brings us joy, vivacity and happiness all at the same time. Nephrite on the other hand is more common. It occurs as aggregates of fibrous crystals which makes it ideal for carving weapons and ornaments. Nephrite occurs in shades of dark blackish iron rich green and cream magnesium rich shade. It is mostly found in Burma, China, Russia, New Zealand and Australia.